they try to kill us in our sleep
but our dreams are not dormant.
for the broken, for the dispossessed, for the relentless, for the oppressed, dreaming is an act of freedom. dreaming is reclaiming our dignity.
dreaming is the language of our subconscious, of those of conscience, the part of our humanity that reminds us that we are more than our everyday battle with the material pains under the capitalist state, the missed train means 2 hour bus, childcare costs, one healthcare bill until bankruptcy, ice truck morgues outside elmhurst hospital during covid-19, ICE at our door, chains that shackle us down.
for my people, people of diasporic corners of new york city, lining up at the tamale stand at 5am before the construction site, praying maghreb on the corner of 43rd & 8th between yellow cab passengers, smoothing out $7 of crumpled bills in underpaid tips calculating its addition to the $1300 flight back home,
our dreams are interrupted by the faint rumble of a child’s belly, shivers from an apartment inadequately heated, the sirens of ambulances, the fight of the couple heard through thin walls.
for my people, people of the third world, from bangladesh to haiti,
our dreams were interrupted by the imperial thirst for subjugation, power, land, capital, the separation of child from mother, and the bloodied knees of stolen labor.
for my people, our siblings in palestine,
dreams are interrupted by over 75 years of a genocidal zionist apartheid regime, U.S. funded war planes circling above, are they stars or are they drones, an unceasing murderous hum.
interrupting sleep, interrupting dreams is the laziest weapon of those who want to see us dead.
so my people, those with the blood of fighters; we now dream for ourselves, we dream for our next generation, we dream for liberation, we dream into creation.
our dreams are not dormant.
our dreams mean we struggle.
our dreams are continuations of the legacy and the fight of those before us. from leila khaled to amilcar cabral to claudia jones to ghassan kanafani to every invisibilized and unnamed martyr who has taught us that “bodies fall, but ideas endure”
our dreams are in color because of our comrades today, who despite every shackle of the U.S. empire, continue to show us internationalism and humanity in action.
cuban doctors training medical students from gaza, indian communist party members protesting arms exports to israel, venezuela sending 130,000 liters of oxygen tanks to the amazonas of brazil during the pandemic.
they try to kill us in our sleep, to interrupt our dreams, but what they don’t understand is that our dreams are not dormant, because our dreams are a reminder we are still alive. we will win, because our dreams mean we struggle, and we organize until victory.
International Fundraiser for Gaza through the Middle East Children’s Alliance to strengthen the steadfastness of the resistance
Let Cuba Live fundraiser for urgent humanitarian aid in the light of a hurricane and nationwide electrical grid blackout exacerbated by the U.S. sanctions on Cuba. On Oct 30th, the UN General Assembly is once again is set to vote for the 32nd time on a draft resolution calling for an end to the genocidal U.S. blockade against Cuba, and every year, despite overwhelming support for the end of it, the U.S. and Israel vote No. We are now sending over 30 tons of aid and generators, help us reach $150,000.
On November 2, just days before the U.S. Presidential election, people will take to the streets across the entire country to say NO VOTES FOR GENOCIDE!
We’ve been mobilizing every single day for over a year demanding an end to the U.S.-funded and supported Israeli genocide in Palestine and Lebanon. This election cycle, we will not forget these candidates’ direct support for this genocide.
The US government has the ability to enact an arms embargo, it has the ability to stop this genocide. This is a US war as much as it is an Israeli war on Palestine and Lebanon. We won’t be fooled by arbitrary 30-day deadlines and we will not be tricked into believing the political rhetoric of those who could have stopped the genocide with a single phone call to end military aid to Israel.
(In Queens, I will be writing in Claudia De la Cruz and Karina Garcia as a third party for the Party for Socialism and Liberation, two working class militant fighters, organizers, educators, mothers, and women I am proud to call comrades and friends. Bourgeoise elections under this sham of a democracy are simply a tool to talk to our people and make socialism visible in every corner of the country. There are two choices: it’s capitalism or it’s socialism. We choose socialism because it’s possible and necessary. We know we cannot wish socialism into existence -- it takes political organization and uniting millions of people of all backgrounds for a common goal and a common vision -- that we have no choice but to take power from the tiny elite and give it to the vast majority -- to us, the workers, the students, the political prisoners, the immigrants, the farmers, the women, the poor, the LGBTQ fighters, the anti-racist organizers. We can’t do that through concessions to the Democrats and the genocidal two party ruling class system, or through the non-profit industrial complex, or through magazine-friendly activism. We do that through relentless organizing as a mass independent political movement, through strategy, through building consciousness, and through knowing it is a long game).
See you on the streets.
gorgeous work <3